De BBC, stiff upper lips

No, tryst nijs fan de BBC. In skoft lyn ha ik jim alris oer in ôflevering fan Gardeners World ynljochte. Dat wie dizze.
Yn dat programma siet in sêne by de rivier de Theems, in iepen dei fan wat tunen, wol ik leauwe. Dêr gie it net om, neist it skip dat se sjen lieten, lei neffens my in skûtsje. Dus woe ik it graach nochris besjen. Helaas, de Britten binne net sa tasjitlik as hjir by ús, dêr't je it measte wol op uitzending gemist fine kinne. 

In kear as wat ha ik besocht om fia de mail yn kontakt te kommen mei de Britske Omrop, en dat is ek slagge. Mar net miene dat se krimp jouwe. Der is hjir gjin fatsoenlike stream of wat dan ek mar te finen om dy 12e ôflevering wer te besjen. It mailtsje fan de stiff upper lips wol ik jim net ûnthâlde. It prototype fan begripend knikke en dêrnei fêsthâlde oan besteande protokollen. Hear, hear.

Dear Audience Member
Thanks for your enquiry regarding BBC Two’s ‘Gardeners' World’ as broadcast on 8 June.
I understand you saw an item broadcast within this edition of the programme that you would appreciate the opportunity to see again.
Unfortunately having checked our schedules the programme is not currently scheduled to be repeated. We do appreciate your interest in the programme and apologise for any inconvenience.
Please be assured that we log details of all enquiries we receive on our database, and we regularly provide reports to programmes on the nature and type of these enquiries.
We hope you find this information useful but do apologise once again for any frustration.
Thanks again for contacting the BBC.
Kind Regards
Craig Thompson
BBC Audience Services
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.


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